Multi-channel Integration

Reach your donors where they are

There are more ways than ever for people to receive information. Your goal – with our help – is to engage your constituents where they are, in the ways with which they prefer to be communicated. For some that means their mailbox, for others that means their email in-box, mobile device or social media platforms. For many, a combination of cross-platform channels, in the right amounts . . . at the right time . . . and with a compelling appeal, is what generates the highest response. It’s called multi-channel integration, and it works!

Direct Mail works

While technology continues to grow and evolve, some may say that printed mailers are a thing of the past. We say, “au contraire!” In fact, as more companies turn exclusively to digital marketing and online billing, your constituents’ mailboxes are becoming uncluttered vessels with a captured audience. Consider this – many millennials actually love receiving mail in their mailbox because they get so little of it having grown up in the digital age!

According to the U.S.P.S., 98% of people check their mailbox on a daily basis. How many of those are logging into their computers clearing out their unread emails daily? Do you have unread email in your inbox right now?

At C.I. Partners Direct we put our experience, and our USPS Certified Mail Piece Design Professionals®, to work for you implementing the most cost-effective direct mail programs that mobilize donors into action and yield industry-leading response rates.

Digital Programs add value

Of course, we believe the best fundraising approach is an integrated one. That means developing a comprehensive strategic plan that includes multi-channel integration, supplementing your direct mail campaigns with digital marketing solutions that reach your audience where they are and with multiple touch points. The following digital solutions have worked for our clients’ unique fundraising campaigns. We’d love to discuss which digital solutions are best for you:

  • Email marketing
  • Social media integration
  • Powerful storytelling videos
  • Mobile cause marketing
  • Text-to-Give
  • Online acquisition
  • Campaign-consistent microsites
  • Digital membership marketing

With so many ways to connect with donors, it takes the expert guidance of those who live and breath fundraising every day – your C.I. Partners Direct team – to pave the way and help you develop long-term donors.

How can we help you achieve your fundraising goals through the use of multi-channel integration? Contact us today!

Our Clients Say It Best

With creative and strategic counsel from the diverse team at C.I. Partners Direct, I am able to seamlessly personalize and segment our direct mail fundraising efforts, better communicate with various donor groups, and broaden our company’s reach. It’s made my life easier and we have achieved greater impact!”
Jennifer H.Nonprofit Social Services client

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